Kon-Boot Lets You Bypass Logon for Windows and Linux
Kon-Boot is an prototype piece of software which allows to change contents of a linux kernel (and now Windows kernel also!!!) on the fly (while booting). In the current compilation state it allows to log into a linux system as ‘root’ user without typing the correct password or to elevate privileges from current user to root. For Windows systems it allows to enter any password protected profile without any knowledge of the password. It was acctually started as silly project of mine, which was born from my never-ending memory problems
Secondly it was mainly created for Ubuntu, later i have made few add-ons to cover some other linux distributions. Finally, please consider this is my first linux project so far
Entire Kon-Boot was written in pure x86 assembly, using old grandpa-geezer TASM 4.0.
it provides support for Microsoft Windows systems and also the Linux systems listed in the next sections. Kon-Boot for Windows enables logging in to any password protected machine profile without without any knowledge of the password. This tool changes the contents of Windows kernel while booting, everything is done virtually – without any interferences with physical system changes. So far following systems were tested to work correctly with Kon-Boot (however its quite possible other versions of listed Windows systems may be suitable as well):
Windows versions of logins that it supports/bypasses are: Server 2008 Standard SP2 (v.275), Vista Business, Vista Ultimate, Server 2003 Enterprise, XP, Windows 7.
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